
27 de septiembre de 2021

Vienna: Tibetan Bowls & Vedic Astrology (only October 2021)


Namaste dear friends. Finally I will be in Vienna city only during 4 weeks in October. I will offer specially Tibetan Bowls for Energetic Healing; and Vedic Astrology services.

All Wednesdays in October I will offer the “VedicAstroMeetings”; and all Thursdays, “Sound & Dharma Meetings”. Only 2 Tibetan Bowls Concerts: New Moon and Full Moon. Here the Full Program for October in detail:

Tibetan Bowls

 ⭐Treatments for Aura and Chakras. Individual session. And choice for couple session too.

 ⭐Concerts (only 2):
🕉 New Moon: 6-October at 20:15h
🕉 Full Moon: 20-October at 20:15h

 ⭐Sound & Dharma Meetings: every Thursday evening, understanding Buddhist Dharma Teachings for beginners, with Sound. During this meetings I will give by paper a Buddhist Teaching; I will read for all; we will make a Sound Meditation on the Teaching (Dharma); and we will talk or make questions about it. One hour meeting. From 19h till 20h:
🕉 Thursday 7: Understanding “The 3 poisons”
🕉 Thursday 14: Understanding “The 4 Noble Truths”
🕉 Thursday 21: Understanding “The 12 links of dependant origination”
🕉 Thursday 28: Understanding “The 5 Skanda”

I will offer 2 types of Workshops: for beginners; and for those who made previously a Workshop with me. Groups/day to decide depending on demand:
🕉 Day 23, Saturday: one Workshop to choose between:
- from 9:30 to 13:30h, or
- from 15:30 to 19:30h.
🕉 Day 24, Sunday: one Workshop to choose between:
- from 9:30 to 13:30h, or
- LEVEL 2: from 15:30 to 19:30h.

⭐ Selling: I remember you that I have the very best Singing Bowls I sent from Nepal to Austria. There are very less Full Moon Bowls; mainly normal 7 Metal Bowls are available in more number.


Vedic Astrology:

Apart of this I will offer some services on Vedic Astrology:

🕉  Chart Readings
🕉 Personal Coaching according to your Vedic Astrologic Chart:
- Spiritual guidelines.
- Personal own Mantras for all the Planets on your Chart, and how to work on them.
- know which days is Moon on your favor, which not. Realize when any Planet position is good for your personal development in life; and how to work on them.

🕉 All Wednesdays in October, "VedicAstroMeeting": An explanation on how the planets, stars and sky work for us during the next 7 days. One hour meeting, from 19h to 20h on Wednesday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th in October.
Very special... don’t miss it. Reserve your space, limited seats.

All activities will take place in the District 17, in Dörnbach.

I will be there only this month of October. 
Please make your reservation for any activity, or get info in this contact:

(34)696 035 451
Spanish Mobile
(better WhatsApp or Telegram)


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