
8 de julio de 2020

Retreat in Sankt Michael im Sudburgenland: August 1 to 7

I am currently in Nepal since the beginning of March.

 All my activities during the spring were suspended or postponed until later.

 There is a Summer Retreat that I like to organize in Austria at Sankt Michael im Südburgenland.  This event is important to me and to those who come there regularly.

 In that order I am organizing my return to Europe to be able to be in Austria and offer this Retreat from August 1 to 7.  I know there is not much time until August 1, but I am going to launch the Program, which is quite original this year.

The original idea of ​​the Program consisted of a teaching on Kinesiology and Tibetan Bowls.  But due to the situation that has changed everything during this year 2020, I have decided to change the program, and I have devised the following proposal: a Retreat in which every day we learn a different technique that serves as Self-knowledge and Self-control.

••• PROGRAM •••

 ➡️ Day 1, Saturday: “Fire Day”

Wellcome, first meditation, dinner and Energetic Fire at night.

➡️ Day 2, Sunday: “Silent Day”

Meditations and Activities till dinner time (18h more or less). A day to enjoy Silence, discover your inner, and break Silence in a special way I will teach you.

After dinner, we talk normally, and in night time we will enjoy the first open air Tibetan Singing Bowls Concert with the light and energy of Full Moon.

➡️ Day 3, Monday: “Numerology Day

Let me show you the secrets hidden under your numbers. I will teach you  how to discover your Soul Number, Mission of Life’s Number, Gift Number and many other important tools like discover the stages of your life or when will come the new changes in life... 

All you learn this day you can apply for other people, your relatives, friends, etc...

Today at 17:59h Austrian hour Full Moon will be in its more powerful moment, its zenit. Special Meditation will be performed in this time.

At night time again Full Moon Concert listening the sound of Full Moon Bowls (special type of Singing Bowls) under the Full Moon light, energy and love. I hope crickets again will join the Sound Session...

➡️ Day 4, Tuesday: “Yoga Day”

Yoga are 8 parts. I am able to practice with you Asana and Pranayama, as I learnt in India and Nepal. 

We will combine the active practice on Yoga with the reading of parts of a very ancient book that I will provide you in German or English language: “The Yoga Sutra of Patānjali”, a book that I consider very important on the spiritual way. 

➡️ Day 5, Wednesday: “Mantra Day” + Night Cinema

Mantra is a powerful technic in order to connect your self with the Divine, open Healing process and broke Karmic patterns that block our Being. You will learn the more powerful (not the more famous or common) Mantras for your personal development.

After dinner, a cinema session with big screen shot on the wall will be performed. The film is a surprise, one of my favorite films ever!

➡️ Day 6, Thursday: “Tibetan Bowls and Nature Day”

This day even those who enjoyed some of my Workshops before, will discover something new and special. A special connection with Nature in a special way. Also you will play Tibetan Bowls for the forest life... amazing experience guaranteed. 

This night, last night of Retreat, special Surprise! 

➡️ Day 7, Friday: “Healing Day”

Actually all days are Healing Days in this special Retreat. But after all these days here in Sankt Michael, the last morning all of you one by one will receive a personal Treatment with Full Moon Bowls (special Singing Bowls) in order to you go back home with all your Chakra balanced.

While I am busy with you all one by one, the group will enjoy free time in Swimming Pool; or practice any activities that learnt during Retreat. And then after I will solve any doubt or question. 

After lunch Summer Retreat will be finish.

Every days begin with an early meditation at 7:30h.
Breakfast time at 8:30h
Lunch at 12:30h
Dinner at 18:00h
Anytime available some snacks and cookies, and tea.

Delicious Vegetarian food everyday provided. Klaudia Menichetti will cook and prepare it.
Natural swimming pool in the Retreat (bring your bath cloth!)

If you are allergic or intolerant to any food; or if you have special needs, please let us know.

The spaces in Sankt Michael Retreat are limited. There are beds for 10 people. Let us know as soon as possible your booking. There is not money to pay in advance; just we ask responsibility if you make a reserve. Danke!

Price all included: 654€

Bookings and questions:
- WhatsApp numbers:
Óscar, Spanish number (0034) 696035351
Brigitte, Austrian number ‭699 13082425‬

  - Mail:

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